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Exatlon România este varianta românească a reality show-ului internațional difuzat în România pe Kanal D. Emisiunea a debutat pe 7 ianuarie 2018 și este prezentată de Cosmin Cernat ,care poate fi urmărit cinci zile pe săptămână, de sâmbătă până miercuri, de la ora 19:45.Emisiunea cuprinde un numar de 20 de oamenii,atat vedete cat si oameni de rand care se imparte in 2 echipe ''Faimosi'' fiind vedetele si ''Razboinicii''find oameni cu mai putina experienta.Concurenti primesc o cantitate limitata de mancare si nu au acces la produsele de ingrijire personala ,atat mai putin la mijloacele de comunicatie.
Acestia vor trebui sa petreaca 6 luni in Republica Domincana,unde vor concura un probe dificile ce le vor pune pregatirea fizica ,viteza de reactie si rezistenta psihica la incercare .Probele sunt in echipa cat si individuale.In fiecare saptamana fiecare echipa concureaza pentru un trai mai bun:pentru casa,mancare ,confort,distractie,mijloace de comunicare de la cei dragi.Iar cei ce pierd vor dormi in baratca pe o scandura din padure unde sunte animale,insecte salbatice,mancare cu portia.Casa este castigata pentru o perioada de 3-4 zile.La sfarsit de saptamana cele 2 echipe se lupta in Arena pentru imunitate adica echipa castigatoare nu pierde nici un membru,iar cei care pierde trebuie sa propuna 3 persoane din echipa si publicu va vota care sa ramana si care sa iasa.Perioada de difuzare a acestui reality show este de 3 ore si este filmat cu 1-2 zile,dupa care este publicata la TV.Mai exista si jocurile intenationale in care cele 2 echipe din Romania se unesc si formeaza o echipa care lupta cu o tara straina.Pana acum Romania a luptat cu Mexic,Turcia,Grecia.Cea mai interesanta mi se pare Gala internationala in care cei mai buni membri fata,baiat doar din echipa Faimosilor va lupta cu cate un adversar din Gregia,Turcia.Cine va castiga va primi o medalie iar daca concurentul obtine 3 medali concurenul va putea sa-si aduca familia in Dominicana.
Cel mai mult imi place de echipa Faimosilor pentru ca este o echipa unita,puternica,si ambitioasa.La sfarsitul acestui concurs castigatorul va intra in posesia premiului 1000.000 euro.Aceasta emisiune imi place foarte mult pentru ca contine multa emotie ,suspans,invataturi si nu in ultimul rand imi arata sa a incredere in mine.

Răspuns :

Exatlon Romania is a Romanian version of an international broadcast in Romania on Kanal D. The show started on January 7, 2018 and is presented by Cosmin Cernat, which can be watched five days a week, from Saturday to Wednesday, 19: 45. The show includes 20 people, both men and carers are divided into 2 "Famous" teams being stars and "Warriors" for people with less experience. Competitors receive a limited amount of food and not have access to personal care products, much less to the means of communication.
They will have to spend 6 months in the Dominican Republic, where they will compete for a difficult survey that will prepare their physics, reaction speed and psychological resistance to the test. The challenges are team and individual. Every week, each team competes for a livelier life good: for the house, food, comfort, fun, means of communication from your loved ones. And those who will lose sleep in the barraca on a rain forest where there are animals, wild insects, food with the portions. The house is won for a period 3-4 days. At the end of the week the two teams fight in the Arena for immunity, ie the winning team does not lose any members and the losers must propose 3 people in the team and the audience will vote to stay and go. the broadcast of this reality show is 3 hours and is filmed for 1-2 days, after which it is published on TV. There are also intentional games where the two teams in Romania unite and form a team that wins you have a foreign country. Until now, Romania has fought with Mexico, Turkey, Greece. The most interesting is the International Gala in which the best members of the front, only from the team of the Faimos will fight with an opponent in Gregia, Turkey. Whoever wins will receive a medal and if the competitor obtains 3 medals, the competition will be able to bring his family to Dominicana.
I really like the team of Faimosilor because it is a strong, ambitious team. At the end of this contest the winner will get the 1000.000 euro prize. This show I really like because it contains a lot of emotion, suspense, learning and not Finally, it shows me a confidence.
Exatlon Romania is the Romanian version of the international reality show broadcast in Romania by Kanal D.The show debuted on January 7,2018 and is presented by Cosmin Cernat,which can be tracked five days a week,from Saturday until Wednesday,at 19:45.The show includes 20 people,both celebrities and ordinary people who share in two teams "Famous" being stars and "The Warriors" being people with less experience.Competitors receive a limited amount of food and do not have access to personal care products,much less to the means of communication.
They will have to spend 6 months in the Dominican Republic,where they will compete in difficult tests that will put their physical training,reaction speed and mental resistance on trial.The samples are in team and individual.Every week each team competes for a better life: for home,food,comfort,entertainment,means of communication from loved ones,and those who lose will sleep in the barracks on a wood plank where they are animals,wild insects,food with portions.The house is won for a period of 3-4 days.At the end of the week the two teams are fighting in the Arena for immunity,the winning team does not lose any members,and the losers have to propose three people in the team and the audience will vote to stay or get out.The broadcasting period of this reality show is 3 hours and is filmed for 1-2 days,after which it is published on TV.There are also the international games in which the two teams from Romania unite and form a team fighting with a foreign country.So far Romania has fought with Mexico,Turkey,Greece.The mos interesting is the International Gala in which the best members female,boy from the team of the Faimos,will fight with a adder from Greece,Turkey.Who will win will receive a medal and if the competitor gets 3 medals the competitor will be able to bring his family to the Dominican Republic.
I really like the team of Faimos because it is a united,strong and ambitious team.At the end of this contest the winner will receive the prize of 1000.000 euros.This show i really like because it contains a lot of emotion,suspense,learning and last but not least it shows me to trust me.