
use these adjectives to make sentences about placesin your country:cold,small,puiet,modern, noisy,modern,cheap,dongeraus, sunny,exting,dirty,clean,boryng,epensive,crowded,azi terog

Răspuns :

In Brasov it was quite cold last few days.
Near the Bran Castle is a small village.
In Sibiu was quiet for quite some time.
Bucuresti has a modern theme to it,but it is noisy.
In some places buildings were made with cheap materials and now they are dangerous.
Constanta is a sunny and exciting seaport with a lot going on.
Some districts from Bucuresti are dirty,while the others are clean.
Cluj-Napoca is a boring place.
In Brasov some buildings are both expensive and crowded.
P.S. Poti schimba numele oraselor cu ce vrei tu,eu doar ti-am dat ca exemple.Singurele la care nu le prea poti schimba sunt Bucuresti si Constanta,in rest poti pune ce orase vrei tu. (Bucuresti e capitala si are mai multe sectoare sau districte iar Constanta e oras-port deci nu poti pune numele unui oras din zona muntoasa.)