
Traduce din romana in engleza propozitiile:
1.Nu ti se va permite sa intri in aceasta sala.
2.Ei nu iti vor permite sa intri in aceasta sala
3.Copiii nu au fost luati acasa inca.
4.Parintii nu au luat copiii acasa inca
5.Nu ni s-a permis sa jucam fotbal ieri.
6.Profesoara nu ne-a permis sa jucam fotbal ieri.
7.Nu veti fi invitati a doua oara.
8.Ei nu vor fi invitati a doua oara.
9.Teoria voastra extraordinara s-a dovedit acum a fi falsa.
10.Ei au dovedit ca teoria voastra extraordinara este falsa
11. Pentru mult timp,ea s-a crezut a fi moarta.
12. Pentru mult timp,ei au crezut-o moarta.
13.Hotul a fost excortat de la banca de un politst puternic
14.Un politist puternic a excortat hotul de la banca.
15.Acest zvon trebuie sa fi fost pornit de unul dintre vecinii nostri.
16.Unul dintre vecinii nostri trebuie sa fi pornit acest zvon.
17.Ei vor fi rugati sa mearga intr-o excursie weekendul acesta.
18.Prietenii lor ii vor ruga sa mearga intr-o excursie weekendul acesta.
19.Aceste scrisori de pe birou trebuie sa fi fost aduse de catre postas.
20.Postasul trebuie sa fi adus aeste scrisori de pe birou.

Răspuns :

1.You won’t be allowed to enter this classroom(daca e sala de studiu)or room(daca e o camera simpla)
2.They won’t let you enter this classroom(acelasi lucru ca si la prima)
3.The children haven’t been taken home yet.
4.The parents didn’t take the children home yet.
5.We weren’t allowed to play football yesterday
6. The teacher didn’t let us play football yesterday
7. You won’t be invited a second time
8.They won’t be invited a second time
9. Your extraordinary theory has been proved to be wrong
10.They proved that your extrodinary theory was false
11. For a long time she was thought dead
12. For a long time they thought she was dead
13.The thief was escorted out of the bank by a strong policeman
14.A strong policeman escorted a thief out of the bank
15.This rumor must have been started by one of our neighbors
16.One of our neighbors must have started this rumor
17.They have been asked to go on a trip this weekend.
18.Their friends are asking them to go on a trip this weekend
19.These letters on the desk must have been brought here by the postman
20.The postman must have brought these letters on the desk.
1You will not be allowed to enter this room.

2They will not allow you to enter this room

3. The children were not taken home yet.

4.Parents have not taken the children home yet

5. We were not allowed to play football yesterday.

6.Professor has not allowed us to play football yesterday.
7. You will not be invited for the second time.

8. They will not be invited a second time.

9. Your extraordinary theory has now turned out to be false.

10. They have proven that your extraordinary theory is false 

11. For a long time, she thought she was dead.

12. For a long time, they believed her dead.

13. The ball was excited from the bank by a powerful politst

14. A strong policeman assisted the bank.

15. This rumor must have been started by one of our neighbors.

16. One of our neighbors must have started this rumor.

17. They will be asked to go on a weekend excursion.

18. Their friends will ask them to go on a weekend excursion.

19. These letters on the desk must have been brought by the post office.

20.Postas must have brought letters from the desk.