
traduceti urmatorul text:
- we had a nice chat to your teachers at the parents meeting this evening
actually, dad, i've been meaning to talk to you about that. were you worried? well, you needn't have been. your teachers are very happy with your work. in fact, we didn't have to stay at the meeting very long. they all had only one thing to say: you're doing brilliantly

Răspuns :

Am avut o conversatie draguta cu profesorii tai la intalnirea cu parintii in aceasta seara. De fapt, tată, am avut intentia de a discuta cu tine despre asta. Ai fost ingrijorat ? Ei bine, nu trebuia. Profesorii tai sunt foarte multumiti de munca ta. De fapt, nu a trebuit sa stam la intalnire foarte mult. Toti au avut un singur lucru de spus: te descurci minunat.