Tourism - advantages / disadvantages
When it comes about tourism, endless thoughts are coming straight to our mind. People love travelling, and a lot. What isn't beautiful about seeing new places and visiting buildings we haven't ever seen until now, right? Then, even if it's an interesting topic, as a big majority of the others, it has rather advantages, rather disadvantages, even if it gives such plenty amazing experiences.
Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems too, especially if it is not managed correctly. A constant flow of foreign visitors can, for instance, undermine the beauty, uniqueness, character, and social coherence of a tourist destination over time. There are endless advantages, and sadly, countless disadvantages as well. The first advantage would be that It brings in money. This is probably the main advantage of tourism and the reason why it has been promoted so much in recent years in developing countries especially. Whether in developing or developed countries, the income generated can make up a significant proportion of the national income. As a second huge advantage, It provides jobs for the locals. Hotels, bars, transport, shops, and restaurants all need staffing. Tourism can provide much-needed employment for people. The third-placed advantage would be that It raises the profile of the place generally. Tourism gives the locality a chance to show itself off and raise its profile in the world.It can provide a incentive for investment in infrastructure such as roads and rail networks, as well as funding local medical and education facilities. Tourism also can provide economic incentives for a place to preserve, regenerate, and provide upkeep in their urban and wildlife areas. Taking it as an advantage too, visitors promote international links, which can provide more business and cultural connections in the medium to long term.
Considering the disadvantages part, the first one would be that tourism can often cause environmental damage with things like pollution and forest fires. Even if tourists behave responsibly, the sheer number of the them can cause problems. Another high disadvantage is that tourists can often lack respect for local traditions and culture, not following local dress standards, getting drunk in public, or behaving rudely or inappropriately towards locals. Although often jobs are created by tourism, most are relatively low level, this can be took as a disadvantage too. Also as a huge disadvantage, money can end up being directed to tourist areas when it could be used more effectively elsewhere in a country.
Of course, I've just listed a few of the plenty advantages and disadvantages which are existing, but, afterwards there are coming more and more ahead, so many, that they can't even be expressed in a single essay.
Am făcut un eseu despre avantaje/dezavantaje ale turismului, asta am înțeles că trebuie să realizez după cerința dată. Dacă trebuia să fac altcumva, spune-mi în comentarii și o să modific, sau dacă este prea lung, îl pot scurta. Sper că te-am ajutat!