
Vă rog mult!La fel ca ex din imagine numai ca despre Charles Boyer în engleza!Va rog mult

Vă Rog MultLa Fel Ca Ex Din Imagine Numai Ca Despre Charles Boyer În EnglezaVa Rog Mult class=

Răspuns :

ingrid bergman was a swedish actrees.she was born in stockholm,sweden on 29 august 1915 . she was the daughter of a swedish father and a german mother and started her career as an actress in swedish and german films in the 1930s.  her introduction to americam audiences came with her starring role in Intermezzo, the english remake.she married Rosselini and this created a huge scandal in the u.s that in what forced her to stay many years in europe and after she returned to work for a hollywood studio. during her career she won 3 academy awards, 2emmy awards, 4 golden globes , a bafta and the tony awards for best actrees.
she is best remembered fofher roles in: casablanca1942, notorious 1946 and an alfred hitchcock movie. she had 4 children and she died on 29 august 1982,( aged
67), from breast cancer, in london.