
Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii in engleza folosind Present Perfect(Simple/Continous) si Past Tense(Simple/Continous):
1)Saptamana trecuta am fost la cumparaturi cu prietenii mei.
2)Tocmai am terminat de gatit un tort delicios.
3)Vecinii mei ascultau muzica in timp ce eu ma certam cu mama.
4)In timp ce traversam raul innotand, a inceput sa ploua.
5)Fetele strigau in timp ce baietii jucau fotbal.
6)Niciodata nu am facut baie in apa rece. Imi este teama sa nu racesc.
7)-De ce ai aruncat hainele vechi?
-Nu mai aveam loc in dulap.
8)-Cand ai fost ultima data la restaurant?
-Luna trecuta, dar nu m-am distrat.
9)Ea nu a terminat sa se imbrace.
10)In 1990 am facut cunostiinta cu prietenii parintilor mei.
Ofer 50 de puncte si coroana cel mai bun raspuns. Am sa va rog sa nu faceti cu Google Translate deoarece am incercat si acolo si imi da numai prostii.

Răspuns :

1.Last week i was shopping with my friends 
2. I just finished cooking a delicious cake
3.My neighbors were listening to music while i was fighting with my mum.
4.While i was swimming the river, it started raining.
5.The girls were screaming while the boys' were playing soccer.
6.I never took a bath in cold water, Im scared of getting sick.
7.Why did you throw the old clothes?
8.When was your last time at the restaurant?
  -Last month, but i didn't get fun.
9.She didn't finish dressing up.
10.In 1990 i met my parents' friends.

1. Last week I went shopping with my friends.
2. I just finished cooking a delicious cake
3. My neighbors were listening music while I was arguing with them
4. Meanwhile I was crossing the river, the rain started.
5. The girls were screaming meanwhile the boys were playing football.
6. I have never took a bath in cold water. I am afraid of not getting a cold.
7. -Why did you throw the old clothes?
-I didn't have space in my closet
8. -When was the last time you went to the restaurant?
-Last month, but I haven't had fun.
9. She hasn't finished dressing.
10. In 1990 I met my parent's friends.