
Alcătuiți 7 propoziții în engleză cu verbe la present perfect și apoi le traduceți în română.

Răspuns :

1. She always goes to the bathroom in the morning. (Ea mereu merge la baie dimineata)
2. I never play tennis before afternoon. (Eu niciodata nu joc tennis inainte de pranz)
3. She goes to school every morning. (Ea merge la scoala in fiecare dimineata)
4. The dogs eats food every day. (Cainele mananca mancare in fiecare z)
5. The baby always cries in the morning (Bebelusul plange mereu dimineata)
6. I hate spinach but I love eating pasta. (Urasc spanacul, dar iubesc sa mananc spaghete)
7. I like playing football with my friends after school. (Imi place sa ma joc fotbal cu prietenii dupa scoala)
S+have\has+verb la a III-a

She has seen a butterfly
Ea a vazut un fluture

I have been a football player since 8.
Eu am fost un fotbalist inca de la 8 ani

I have broken my leg during the match
Eu mi-am rupt piciorul in timpul meciului

I have eaten a bunch of eggs
Eu am mancat cateva oua

You have slept over 5 hours
Tu ai dormit mai mult de 5 ore

You have shown me what you got
Tu mi-ai aratat ce poti

We have drank 4 bottles of wine
Noi am baut 4 sticle de vin