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Victor: Daddy, do you know the seven wonders of the world?Daddy: Which wonders, of the ancient world or of the modern world?Victor: Oh, are there wonders in the modern world too?Daddy: Sure there are. Think howour life diiffers from the life a hundred years ago.Vicror: Can you give me a hint, Mum?Mummy: Think of the ways we can communicate with each other, how much and how quickly.Victor: Oh, the telephone, but I never though  it was a wonder.Mummy: You simply have got used to it. Communication had been more difficult before Alexander Bell inveted the telephone in 1876. People thought it was just an interesting toy and called it the talking machine.Daddy: What about the fax machine? You watch the piece of paper going into the fax and at the same time, on the other side of the world, it's coming out of somebody else's machine. It's incredible !Mummy: It's incredible to be amble to get almost anywhere in the world in less than twenty four hours.Daddy: Moreover, it bacame possible to walk on the moon, and open space.Victor: I think the computer is the greatest wonder of our time. It can do everythink: read newspapers, write, do maths, draw...Daddy: Only it cannot think yet.Victor: Oh.

Răspuns :

Victor: Tata, stii cele 7 minuni ale lumii?
D: Care minuni, ale antichitatii sau cele ale lumii moderne?
V: Oh, sunt minunile acestea si in lumea moderna?
D: Desigur ca sunt. Gandeste-te cum difera viata noastra de acum cu cea de acum o suta de ani. 
V: Poti sa-mi dai un indiciu, mama?
M: Gandeste-te la modurile prin care putem comunica unul cu celalalt, cat de mult si cat de usor(rapid).
V: Oh, telefonul, dar nu m-am gandit niciodata ca el a fost o minune.

M: Tu pur si simplu te-ai obisnuit cu el. Comunicatia a fost foarte dificila inainte ca Alexander Bell sa inventeze telefonul in 1876. Oamenii credeau ca era doar o jucarie interesanta si l-a numit masina unde vorbesti.
D: Ce zici despre fax? Te uiti la bucata de hartie intrand in fax si in acelasi timp, pe partea cealalta a lumii, iese dintr-un alt fax al unei alte persoane.
Este incredibil.

M: E incredibil sa fi capabil sa ajungi oriunde in lume in mai putin de 24 de ore.
D: In plus, a devenit posibil sa mergi pe luna si in spatiu.
V: Eu cred ca, computerul este cea mai grozava minune de acum. Poate sa faca orice: sa citeasca ziare, sa scrie, sa faca calcule, sa deseneze...
D: Doar ca nu poate, inca, sa gandeasca.
V: Oh.