
TRADUCERE URGENT DAU COROANA 2 When we look back on ourselves in the past, it’s surprising to see how much we have changed over time. Our experiences, our friends, our family and school have all shaped who each of us is right now. But where will we be in 15 years’ time?

We often give council and advice to others. Moreover, we usually think that advice is given by the elder to the youth, by a teacher to a student or a parent to a child. But what if the coin flips, and we, our present-day selves, offer advice to a 15 years older version of ourselves?

Write a 250-word essay in which you tell us what message you would send to your future self and why.

In your essay you could include or develop one or more of the following ideas:

What personality traits you should keep and how you should improve
What you should never change about yourself
What skills you hope you would have learnt in 15 years’ time and what you wish to accomplish
The way society is and how you think it would change and how these changes would affect you

Răspuns :

Cand ne uitam inapoi in trecut la noi insine, este suprinzator sa vezi cat de mult ne-am schimbat de atunci. Experientele noastre, prietenii nostri, familia noastra si scoala ne-a indrumat si modelat ca sa ajungem cine suntem chiar acum. Dar unde vom fi in 15 ani de acum inainte?
De obicei dam sfaturi si consiliu (consfatuire) altora. In plus, in mod obisnuit ne gandim ca sfaturile sunt date pentru cei mai tineri de catre cei mai batrani, de un profesor pentru un student sau de un parinte pentru un copil. Dar daca s-ar rasturna moneda, si noi, noi insine din prezent, am oferi un sfat unei versiuni mai in varsta cu 15 ani decat ce-a de-a noastra de acum?
Scrie un eseu de 250 de cuvinte in care sa ne spui ce mesaj ti-ai trimite tie insuti din viitor si de ce.

In eseul tau, ai putea include sau dezvolta una sau mai multe dintre ideile urmatoare: 
Ce Trasaturi de caracter ai pastra si cum ai evolua
Ce nu ar trebui sa schimbi la tine
Ce abilitati ti-ai dori sa fi invatat in 15 ani si ce ti-ai dori sa realizezi.
Modul in care societatea este si cum crezi ca s-ar schimba, si cum aceste schimbari te-ar afecta pe tine.