
Liaten ans feel in the gaps with the words from the box.

open-air; recent; common; possessor; covers; comprises; traditional; folk-construc tions; reassembled; oldest; located; collections; units; village.

The Village Museum is... in a beautiful spot, on the shore of Lake Herãstrãu in northern Bucharest. It offers an... image of Romanian folk-architecture and of the traditional culture and civilization of this country. Like Skansen Museum at Stockholm, the Village Museum in Bucharest was one of the first... museums and, as such, is also the... of one of the richest ethnographic... in the world. The museum... approximately 0 hectares and... 7 architectural... from every ethnographical region of the country. It includes over folk-constructions (homes, churches, water and wind mills, workshops, wells etc.) and more than 30,000 items of furniture, carts, tools for various trades, folk costumes, embroidery, pottery etc. The idea behind organizing such a museum came from the monograph on the Romanian village, included in the ethnographic research work made by DIMITRIE GUSTI, its initiator and coordinator. A centuries-old tradition may be millenary it surrounds us and pervades our souls on the streets of this strange... made up of all the villages in this country Prof. Gusti said at the official opening of the museum in 936. Indeed, The Village Museum specialists in architecture and folk-art travelled all across the country to track down the most representative... of each ethnographic area. The buildings were dismantled and moved to Bucharest, where they were... in their original form, often with the help of master builders from the respective villages. The... is the house from Zãpodeni (Vaslui), which dates from 656, while the most... is that of Stãneºti (Muscel), built at the beginning of this century.

Răspuns :

located;open-air;traditional;oldest;folk-constructions;covers;comprises;units;collections;possessor;reassembled;common(teren comunal aici);recent...lipseste village(cel putin eu nu i-am gasit locul)