
am si eu nevoie de 8 propoziti in engleza cu cuvintele men .women .children .geese .teth .fut .shep .people

Răspuns :

Women are feeding the ducks
The children are looking at the fish
The geese are eating grass
The sheep are at the farm
Your feet are dirty.
The people are dancing.
In the morning i brush my teeth.
1. Men
Where are these men going? (Unde se duc acesti barbati)
man= barbat
men= barbati

2. Women
A lot of women are interested in this product. ( Multe femei sunt interesate in acest produs)
woman= femeie
women= femei

3. Children
The children are playing in the park. (Copii se joaca in parc)
child= copil
children= copii

4. geese
The geese are swiming in the pool. (Gastele inoata in piscina)
goose= gasca
geese= gaste

5. Teeth
Every morning i brush my teeth. (In fiecare dimineata ma spal pe dinti)
tooth= dinte
teeth= dinti

6. Foot (se aude fut dar se scrie foot si inseamna talpa)
I think i hurt my foot. (Cred ca m-am ranit in talpa)

7. Sheep (E in engleza se aude i, si atunci o sa citesti shiiip si inseamna oi)
They walk like sheep in that direction (Ei merg ca oile in acea directie)

8. people (oameni)
I heard that italian people like a lot pizza. (Am auzit ca oamenii italieni le place mult pizza)