
change the following senteces into the passive:
1.the car completely destroyed my motorbike.
2.Blur have earned several million pounds from their new album.
3.leaving that dress in the sun has made it fade .
4.people used to sell the tourists fake antiques.
5.next year,George will visit his friends in London.
6.he started to leave before they had given him the directions.
7.they haven't finished fixing my car yet. they are so slow.
8.he had written three books before 1876.
9.you should do the work.
10.my mom had cleaned all the windows before the storm.

Răspuns :

1. My motorbike was completely destroyed by the car.
2. Several million pounds have been earned by Blur from their new album.
3. A fade dress has been made by leaving it in the sun.
4. Fake antiques were used to sell by people to tourists.
5. His friens in London will be visited by George next year.
6. Leaving was started before directions had been given to him.
7. Fixing my car hasn't been finished yet because they are so slow.
8. Three books had been written before 1876.
9. The work should be done by you.
10. All the windows had been cleaned by my mom before the storm.

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