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Tara mea are o istorie care a sta la baza multor legende . Una ar fi cea a Contelui Dracula care provine de la tatal lui Vlad Tepesi care castigase Ordinul Dragonului , si ca premiu primind un medalion cu un dragon care a fost asemanat cu un Drac .Si pentru ca adora trasul in teapa ca mod de tortura.
Istorie romaniei e frumoasa si veche de peste 3000 de ani deoarece conditiile de mediu sunt generoase si blande.
Imi iubesc tara si sunt mandra sa spun ca sunt roman.

E urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Răspuns :

My country has a history that stays at the origin of many legends. One of them is about Dracula, who's Vlad Tepeș's son, that won the Dragon Order and received a medallion with a dragon on it that was looking like a devil and because he liked so much the pulling in spike way of torture.
Romania's history is beautiful and old, more than 3000 years, because of favourable climate conditions.
I love my country and I'm proud that I'm a Romanian.