
Indiferent daca accepti sau nu lucrul asta , oamenii isi formeaza o parere despre tine inca din primele secunde cand te zaresc sau te asculta. Prima impresie conteaza, dar nu trebuie sa fie definitorie pentru o interactiune". Toti vrem o a doua sansa, pentru ca nu suntem perfecti si putem fi "prinsi" de situatie si nepregatiti. Putem avea la fel de usor momente bune si rele si daca am fost prinsi intr-unul din cele rele, nu inseamna ca asa suntem de obicei. TRADUCERE TEXT

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Irrespective of whether you accept it or not, people form a view about you even from the first seconds that they catch a glimpse of you or hear you speaking. The first impression matters, but it must not be defining for an interaction. We all want a second chance, because we are not perfect and we can be „caught” by the situation and we may be unprepared for it. However, we can also have good moments and bad ones, and if we have been caught in one of the bad times, it does not mean this is what we are usually like.