
Fill in :for,at,of,in,about,to,by,with.Then make sentences
Mă puteți ajuta va rog???

Fill In ForatofinabouttobywithThen Make Sentences Mă Puteți Ajuta Va Rog class=

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Buna! :)

Retinem ca in limba Engleza avem verbe cu prepozitii. Majoritatea verbelor pot lua in componenta mai multe prepozitii (nu doar una), schimbandu-si astfel sensul, dupa cum urmeaza:

Fill in: for, at, of, in, about, to, by:

(1) to be afraid of something = a-ti fie frica de ceva;

Sentence: I am afraid of ghosts.

(2) to be amused by something= a te amuza de ceva;

Sentence: I was amused by your attitude yesterday.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be amused at something;

to be amused with something;

(3) to be angry with somebody = a fi furios pe cineva;

Sentence: I am still angry with you (for what you did to me).

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be angry at something.

(4) to be annoyed by somebody= a fi deranjat de catre cineva;

Sentence: Sarah is annoyed by her father's demandings.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be annoyed about/with something.

(5) to be anxious about something = a fi entuziasmat de ceva;

Sentence: I am anxious about the up-coming winter break.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be anxious at something.

(6) to be ashamed with somebody = a fi rusinat de catre cineva;

Sentence: I feel ashamed with you when you're wearing those clothes.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be ashamed of somebody/something.

(7) to be bored with something= a fi plictisit de ceva;

Sentence: I am bored with my tasks at home.

    to be bored by someone= a fi plictisit de cineva;

Sentence: I am bored sometimes by my colleagues answers.

(8) to be brilliant at something= a fi briliant la ceva;

Sentence: I am brilliant at English! It's my favourite subject.

(9) to be close with somebody= a fi apropiat de cineva;

Sentence: Sarah is indeed very close to her mother. They are like two best friends.

(10) to be delighted with something = a fi incantat de ceva;

Sentence: I am delighted with your cooking. I could be eating everyday at your house and it will still not be enough!

(11) to be disappointed by somebody= a fi dezamagit de cineva;

Sentence: I am disappointed by Sarah's attitude towards me. She has been very rude and condescending.

     to be disappointed with something= a fi dezamagit de ceva;

Sentence: I am disappointed with how things worked out eventually. I was expecting a much better result.

(12) to be excited with something= a fi entuziasmat de ceva;

Sentence: I am very excited with my new car. It has everything I need.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be excited about something.

(13) to be faithful to somebody= a fi fidel cuiva;

Sentence: I will always be faithful to you. We are family and family is the most important thing in the world.

(14) to be friendly with somebody= a fi prietenos cu cineva;

Sentence: Sarah is friendly with pretty much everybody, that's why she's so popular.

(15) to be frightened of something= a fi speriat de ceva;

Sentence: I am frightened of all kinds of snakes. If I see one, I will literally faint.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be frightened by something/somebody.

(16) to be furious with somebody= a fi furios pe cineva;

Sentence: I am furious with you! You literally destroyed my whole birthday party!

     to be furious about something= a fi furios de ceva;

Sentence: I am furious about how things worked out. I should have never left the house this morning.

(17) to be grateful for something/somebody= a fi recunoscator pentru ceva;

Sentence: I am grateful for everything I have in my life.

                 I am grateful for you, everyday!

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be grateful with something.

(18) to be jealous of somebody= a fi gelos pe cineva;

Sentence: Sarah is jealous of her friend's popularity.

(19) to be nervous about something= a fi agitat cu ceva;

Sentence: I am nervous about my presentation tomorrow.

(20) to be pleased with something= a fi multumit de ceva;

Sentence: I am pleased with my grades. It shows that I've been improving a lot this year.

(21) to be proud of something= a fi mandru de ceva;

Sentence: I am proud of all my actions today. I've saved two children from that firehouse.

(22) to be rude to somebody= a fi nepoliticos cu cineva;

Sentence: Stop being so rude to your parents! They raised you.

(23) to be sensitive to something= a fi sensibil la ceva;

Sentence: She is sensitive to cheese. Her organism doesn't tolerate it that well.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be sensitive about something.

(24) to be upset with something= a fi suparat de ceva;

Sentence: You keep telling me that you are upset with your grades, but you don't do anything as to improve them.

De asemenea, putem utiliza si:

to be upset about something.

Speram ca ai inteles si ca ti-am fost de ajutor!