
Am nevoie de traducere in engleza la următorul text:
“Era o zi călduroasă de vara si urma sa plec in vacanța. Deja ajunsesem la aeroport.
Am așteptat câteva ore deoarece ajunsesem mult mai devreme. Apoi, in sfârșit a venit momentul sa plec, dar cand a trebuit sa prezint biletul de călătorie, surpriza, nu il aveam, il uitasem acasă.Nu fusese suficient ca am ajuns mult prea devreme si ca am fost sufocata de caldura de afara, asta mai lipsea, sa uit biletul. Cum de nu mi a trecut prin gând sa verific daca il am cat Timp am așteptat? Nu aveam pe cine sa rog sa mi-l aduca. Nu era nimeni acasă la mine si nici nu avea nimeni cheia apartamentului meu. Am fost nevoită sa iau un taxi si sa merg singura dupa bilet. Cand m-am întors, tocmai anunțau ca mai am 5 minute la dispoziție sa pentru a ma prezenta cu biletul. Pot spune ca aceste 5 minute rămase au reprezentat singurul moment norocos dintr o zi atât de ghinionista.
Acea zi a fost una dintre zilele mele ghinioniste. Am avut o dispoziție proasta pe tot parcursul zilei si nu m am putut bucura de plecarea in vacanța. “

Răspuns :

It was a hot summer day and i was about to leave for my holiday. I was already at the airport. I had to wait a few hours because i was there too early. When the moment to leave finally came i couldn't find my boarding pass and i had to show it to the officer. It was home, forgotten. It wasn't enough that i was there early and i was suffocated by the heat, besides i forgot my ticket. How could i not think of that in the past few hours of waiting? There was nobody i could ask to bring it for me. I had to take a cab. When i was back i could hear the announcement that there are only 5 minutes to be there with my ticket. I can tell that these 5 minutes were my only lucky minutes of this horible day.
That was one of my bad luck days. I had a bad mood throughout the day and couldn't enjoy my holiday.