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“ Ti as scris acest email pentru a te invita la ziua mea de nastere.
Petrecerea va avea loc sâmbăta, 27 Ianuarie, pe malul Dunării la restaurantul “Magic”. Am așteptat cu nerăbdare împlinirea vârstei de 18 ani si sper sa mi poti fi alături intr un moment atât de special.
Sper sa poti veni. Astept confirmarea ta.”

Răspuns :

Hello. I have written you this email to invite you to my birthday. 
The party will be on Saturday the 27th of January, on the bank of the river Danube at the restaurant called MAGIC. I have waited eagerly to become 18 and I hope you can join me in celebrating this special moment in my life. 
I hope you can come. I await your response. 
Acesta este textul tradus în engleză:
I would have written this email to invite you to my birthday. The party will be held on Saturday, 27 January, on the Danube bank at the "Magic" restaurant. We look forward to reaching the age of 18 and I hope you can join me in such a special moment. I hope you can come. I'm waiting for your confirmation. "