
Tradu Propozitile din romana in engleza: Cata faina avem nevoie?
Nu multa,doar 1 kg
Cat costa acest tricou?
Cate carti sunt in bibloteca
Sunt multe carti in bibloteca
Cate fotolui ai in sufragerie?
Cat cascaval mananci la micul de jun
Dau corana!Repede

Răspuns :

How much flour do we need?
Not much, just a a kilo.
How much is this T-shirt?
How many books are there in the library/bookshelf? (daca se refera la biblioteca-institutie este library, pentru biblioteca de acasa folosim bookshelf)

There are many books in the library/bookshelf.
How many armchairs do you have in the living room?
How much cheese do you eat for breakfast?