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After the females return in early August, the males walk 150 kilometres back to the sea for a short 'holiday' before returning with food. The male and the female then take it in turns to return to the sea for food. In the late spring , when the chicks are big and strong enough, the emperor penguin families return to the sea. The adults then have just the theree summer months in the sea before returning to the breeading grounds once more.
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Răspuns :

Dupa ce femelele s.au intors la inceputul lui august, masculii calatoresc 150km inapoi in mare pentru o scurta "vacanta" inainte sa se intoarca cu hrana. In primaverile intarziate, cand puii sunt destul de mari si puternice, familiile de pinguini se intorc in mare. Acum, adultii au numai 3 luni de vara, inainte sa isi reinceapa procesul de crestere a puilor.