
Compunere in engleza despre un actor de 15 randuri. Va rog sa nu fie prea complicata si sa imi lasati si traducerea

Răspuns :

Actorul meu preferat este Jerry Seinfeld. L-am cunoscut pentru prima oara cand am urmarit impreuna cu tatal meu serialul Seinfeld.

La inceput nu pot spune ca  m-a atras atat de mult. Era prima oara cand urmaream un serial cu tatal meu si nu aveam asteptari mari. Ma gandeam ca va fi vorba despre ceva plictisitor.

Se pare ca m-am inselat foarte tare. Serialul este unul foarte amuzant si am ras de multe ori impreuna cu tatal meu. Chiar daca toti cei din serial sunt foarte amuzanti: Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, George, dintre toti acestia Jerry Seinfeld este personajul si implicit actorul meu preferat.

My favorite actor is Jerry Seinfeld. I first met him when I watched with my father Seinfeld. At first I can not say it attracted me so much. It was the first time I watched a show with my father and we had no big expectations. I was thinking it would be boring. Looks like I'm very mistaken. The series is very funny and I often laughed with my father. Even if everyone in the series is really funny: Jerry, Elaine, Kramer, George, of all Jerry Seinfeld is the character and, implicitly, my favorite actor.