
Salutare! Am nevoie urgent sa imi traduceti acest text in engleza si daca se poate sa il puneti intr-un context mai bun deoarece nu am inspiratie si am pus informatii alandala. Dau coronita! In Candy Island exista doar o singura fabrica de bomboane imensa cat 146 de avioane la un loc numita ,,Candy,candy,more candy’’, care se afla la marginea insulei. In loc de fum,iesea un praf magic colorat,care te vindeca de orice boala. Erau chiar mai benefice decat niste medicamente! Sunt 2 in 1. De fiecare data cand un candy-men se vindeca datorita acestor bomboane curcubeul isi arata frumusetile chiar deasupra fabricii. Copiii erau innebuniti dupa acele dulciuri! Erau cele mai bune din lume! Fabrica era construita din cuburi de zahar,acoperisul din acadele,iar muncitorii erau roboti din ciocolata cu alune. Va rog,nu folositi google translate!

Răspuns :

In Candy Island, there is only one candy factory that is as big as 146 aircrafts at a place, called "Candy, candy, more candy", which is placed at the edge of the island. Instead of smoke, there was a colorful magic dust that heals you from any disease. It were even more beneficial than some drugs(pills, medicine)! It was like 2 in 1. Every time a candy-men heals because of these candies, the rainbow shows its beauty just above the factory. The kids were crazy after those sweets! They were the best in the world! The factory was made from sugar cubes, the roof from lollipops, and the workers were made of chocolate with peanuts.