
O compunere in engleza in care sa povestesti cum ar fi scoala ideala in compunere trebuie sa mentionezi care ar fi materiile importante si care ar fi materiile obtionale! Dau coronița + 50 puncte ,va rog REPEDE!!!

Răspuns :

The ideal school

I don't think the school can be perfect but it can be better!
The "ideal" school would be 6 days and 1 day for relaxing .
In these 6 days you go to school to learn things you want to.
For example you will learn literature , english, history and arts.
If you are interesed in others you will choose mathemathics , chemistry and geography.
You can also learn all subjects and full your time with learning! You go at school for only four hours and you will learn in the most likeabale way!