The ghost-coat
It was a thundery night and it was raining cats and dogs. I was alone at home watching T.V because my parents were out for dinner and a concert.
was on the comfortable sofa watching television and looking at my dog.Suddenly I heard an unusual noise. A shiver ran down my
spine but to calm myself down I thought it was the wind howling. As time
passed by I kept hearing the same noise and I was scared. Then I saw
the bathroom's door opening but no one was pushing it.I thought there was a ghost in my house.After a while the lights went off
and I began to cry with terror.
Later something caught my eye. It
was a shadow. The shadow was as black as ebony and it began to waver. I
had the feeling that it was a ghost but I found out that it was the coat
hanging on the cloak hanger. What a relief! I couldn't wait to tell my
parents about what happened. This was the worst night ever.
When my parents went home I told them about what happened to me. I am never going to stay at home alone! Never!