
Scrieti un text in limba engleza de 15 randuri despre un eveniment placut/neplacut din viata voastra.

Răspuns :

A few years ago, I went with some friends from my grandmother's town on a trip on the mountains. I was so excited because that was my first trip with them and I hoped that will be fine.
But, while we laied on the grass next to a river, I saw that one of my friends staied in a tree, next to a beehive. I screamed at him, and while he returns on the grown, a lot of bees was following us. We runed so fast and saved us, but this is still a bad memory form me because our trip was desaster.

Nu stiu daca ție, iti vor ieși 15 rânduri pe caiet, dar am încercat să ma incadrez în așa fel încât să reușești. Sper ca am ajutat!