
Traduceti povestea in engleza( DAU COROANA) : Kepler-186f este prima planeta de dimensiunile Pamantului aflata in zona locuibila circumstelara a altui sistem planetar , descoperita cu ajutorul telescopului spatial Kepler.
Sistemul planetar Kepler-186f se afla la aproximativ 500 de ani lumina de Pamant , in constelatia Cygnus.
Aceasta planeta este doar cu 10% mai mare decat Pamantul , temperatura planetei permite existenta apei lichide la suprafata.
Lumina de pe aceasta planeta ar avea culoare rosie , oceanele ar fi portocalii , iar vegetatia s-ar putea dezvolta foarte armonios pentru ca este expusa radiatiilor infrarosii.
Iar daca ar exista o civilizatie extraterestra , extraterestrii ar incepe cu lucruruile obisnuite , precum a inceput omul , de la lucruri obisnuite pana la o tehnologie avansata ,  cu navete spatiale ce pot calatorii prin Univers, ar fi evoluat de la organisme mici pana la fiinte cu o inteligenta ce o depaseste pe cea umana. 
Oamenii nu au inca  posibilitatea de a ajunge pe planeta pentru a vedea ce se afla pe ea, prin urnare mai sunt multe lucruri de descoperit despre planeta ce ar putea sustine viata.


Răspuns :

Kepler-186f is the first Earth-sized planet in the circumferential habitable area of ​​another planetary system discovered by the Kepler Space Telescope. The Kepler-186f planetary system is about 500 light years from Earth, in the constellation Cygnus. This planet is only 10% larger than Earth, the planet's temperature allows the surface water to be liquid. The light on this planet would be red, the oceans would be orange, and the vegetation could develop very harmoniously because it is exposed to infrared radiation. And if there was an extraterrestrial civilization, the aliens would begin with the usual work, as the man began, from ordinary things to advanced technology, with spacecraft that can travel through the Universe, evolved from small organisms to beings with an intelligence that surpasses the human one. People are not yet able to reach the planet to see what's on it, and there are many things to discover about the planet that could sustain life.(Sper sa ti fie de folos)