
Buna seara ! Am scris textul asta,pentru un proiect, fara a folosi google translate si celelalte chestii,as vrea daca se poate sa-mi spuneti daca sunt greseli mari(cei care stiu engleza)
Mersi !
Our restaurant provides the customer the best spanish dishes in town. We are called ”La novedad” because we came with an interesting idea,that the customers will read the menu on a tablet. Well,this idea is not so original,there are already few restaurants who came with this idea,but we think this is a good idea and we want to promote it .Of course,our waiters will teach the customers how to use the tablet if they don”t know how to use it. Also,the clients can use the tablet for surfing on the internet. We chose spanish cuisine because we like spanish culture and to be honest,in our town are few restaurants with this type of food.

Răspuns :

Nu prea observ greseli grave de gramatica.

Pe de alta parte:
1. Our restaurant provides the best ...
Nu e nevoie sa folosesti "the customer"
2. because we came UP with an interesting idea
3. there are already A few restaurants
"there are already a few restaurants WHICH / THAT came up with this idea.
5. Se repeta "idea" de prea multe ori
6. "customers how to use the tablet if they don”t know how to use it." - know how se repeta de prea multe ori, schimba
7. surfing (on) the internet. Corect este "surf the internet"
8. in our town THERE are...

In legatura cu continutul:
Sincer, nu inteleg de ce ai spune ca deja exista alte restaurante de acest tip. Obiectivul tau este sa promovezi. De ce ti-ai taia craca de sub picioare precizand ca ai copiat ideea?

Sper ca nu am ratat nimic. Bafta! :)