
Va rog sa ma ajutati

Traduceti :

Se aseaza in fata calculatorului si incepu sa joace un joc era cel mai bun joc.
Aveai in fata ta o arma si puteai sa mergi inainte si inapoi. Puteai gasii chei si deschideai usi secrete. Era exact ca in realitate . Uneori se intreba daca jocul eroi sau monstri stiau ca nu sunt adevarati si ca totul este un joc in care ei trebuie sa le comande copilului care se juca, sigur ca nu stiau!
Dau coroana , va rog!

Răspuns :

He/She sat in front of the computer and started to play a game, it was the best game.
You had in front of you a weapon, and yoi could go forwards and backwards. You could find keys, and open secret doors. It was exactly like reality. Sometimes he/she asked himself/herself if they knew that these heroes, and monsters in the game weren't acctually real, and that actually everything was a game where they needed to order the kid that was playing, of course they didn't know!